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Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme

December 3 2018 by convey

Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme
Planning your perfect wedding means making sure everything is cohesive, everything ties together and your theme is on point. But, with endless possibilities, where do you begin with choosing a theme? Here are some important things to consider.

The Venue

Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme
The biggest and most expensive part of your wedding should come first and will really be a big picture guiding point for determining appropriate themes. You want to secure your spot first and then plan around it. Will you be getting wed in a grand hall? Something elegant will work well. Outdoors? Consider more rustic themes.

The Season

Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme
Whether your wedding will be outdoors or still inside, seasonality can play a big part. Even if you’re in four walls and a roof, a summer beach theme may seem out of place at a January wedding in Vermont.

The Colors

Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme
You’ll, of course, want to think about your personal favorite colors – you do, after all, want your wedding to reflect you and make you happy. But also consider the setting (will your colors blend in or pop or clash?) and the atmosphere you want (romance or a party or something cozy?) and also don’t forget to consider what your groom may want!

The Guest List

Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme
Some themes are a lot harder than others to execute on a mass scale, so it is important to consider the number of guests you have coming. For larger parties, pick themes that will be easier to set up en masse and aren’t so detail reliant.
Also, the age range and general mood or interests of your guests may come into play. If 90% of your family and friends hate the outdoors, maybe a forest theme outside is not going to be the way to go.

The Budget

Pick Your Perfect Wedding Theme
The biggest dictator of what you’re able to do is, of course, your budget. Your theme should be something you can actually afford to do. If you’ve only set aside $5,000, for example, a royal glam theme might be a little impossible.


About Author

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Sesha Smith
Owner & Photographer of Convey Studios

Sesha has been photographing weddings since 1998. She has so many favorite things from photographing weddings that she can’t pick just one: the bride’s mom helping her daughter get her wedding dress on, the first time a groom sees the bride and he tries to hold back tears.


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