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What to Look for in Your Photographer Besides Their Portfolio

December 10 2018 by convey

You’ve done your research. You’ve seen the portfolios. You’ve found any number of truly talented photographers – so how do you decide? Well, there are things to look at beyond just their portfolio!

Do They Have a Good Reputation?

The wedding industry is a massive industry, and as such, vendors tend to cross circles and quickly build for themselves either great relationships and reputation or something less than stellar. Do your research into online ratings and reviews to see not only how other couples have interacted with them, but also if other vendors have had good or bad things to say. Also, do they know other vendors well? The right networking can allow your photographer to suggest venues, florists, caterers and more that are guaranteed not to disappoint.

Does Their Personality Mesh With Yours?

Your wedding is all you, baby. So, when it comes to actually documenting and remembering that day, you’ll want your photographer to align with you, your partner, your vision, your style – the whole deal! Do they connect with you? Are they excited about the same things as you? Do you feel at ease with them? All big, important things!

Do They Have the Best Technology?

The best of the best is always evolving, but that doesn’t mean your photographer shouldn’t have top of the line cameras, editing software, etc. – AND, most importantly, extra equipment they can swap I if something techy goes awry.

Are they a Studio vs. an Individual?

You may fall in love with a solo photographer’s work, but there is an inherent risk in hiring someone who is a total body of one. If they fall sick or there is an emergency, or they get held up, you are straight out of luck. With a studio fleet of talented photographers, there is always a backup plan and a replacement ready and able to swap in if need be.


About Author

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Sesha Smith
Owner & Photographer of Convey Studios

Sesha has been photographing weddings since 1998. She has so many favorite things from photographing weddings that she can’t pick just one: the bride’s mom helping her daughter get her wedding dress on, the first time a groom sees the bride and he tries to hold back tears.


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