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The landscapes – fabulous! The portraits – breathtaking! The use of color – clearly classy! But then comes the day when you actually meet with your potential photographer, and it’s just… Well, it can be ‘blah!’ Your right and left brain may be fighting to rationalize using them anyway, but when it comes down to it, they’re missing one very important part – good old-fashioned personality!
Your wedding is going to be a reflection of you – in fact, it’s widely referred to as your day for a reason! So, when it comes to one of the most important parts (the visual memories you will cherish forever), you’ll want your photographer to get you, to gel with your vision and to make you and your partner feel not only at ease but connected with them as well.
As wedding photographers, we do not get into the business because we want to be boring or disconnected or staid. In fact, one of the most satisfying parts of the job is, without a doubt, connecting with our clients and making sure their memories are in good hands. Look, your wedding day is gonna be FUN – don’t you want the person in charge of capturing its essence to be so, too?
There are a thousand technical things you can – and should – look for, of course. When perusing a portfolio, the pictures you find should be well-lit, they should be well-staged, they should be clear, they should be cohesive. But, if you’re going, to be honest, that is the basic bar you would hope and expect any professional photographer to meet. When you start getting down to it, your pictures should have a life and a statement and your photographer, who is going to be closely involved with not only your wedding but you personally, should be someone who gets you, someone who smiles with you – an actual, personable person.
You’ve got the right groom, the right dress, the right details – your gut hasn’t led you wrong! So, when it comes to selecting your photographer, listen to it there, too, and look beyond the basics to the soul within.
No bride wants to be Bridezilla. But bride freak-out is a real possibility — even if you’re the most easy-going, relaxed woman you know. The fact is that your wedding day is going to be absolute chaos — and it’s not about panicking that this is your “last day of singledom.” It’s about the reality […]
Go to almost any wedding these days – or browse any recently married friend’s Instagram – and you’ll see it: the cute, catchy, unique wedding hashtag. Almost every couple has one for their big day, now, and it’s easy to see why: pictures are organized across social media and easily searchable for the bride, the […]
When it’s wedding planning time, be prepared to feel overwhelmed for a moment by the fact you need a wedding vendor for EVERYTHING: a cake, a caterer, a wedding photographer… Yup, it’s a lot of people! And while you begin to thumb through your options, keep in mind one thing: that personal connection is gonna […]
Welcome to 2019 – if you’re not planning the majority of your life online, you’re not only missing out on your best options, you’re also a pretty rare species. And when it comes to wedding planning, if you want to be sure you’re getting and researching the best vendors, the only way to go is […]